Integrated Water Resources
Management of Kabul River Basin:
- Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW),Afghanistan
- Assessment of potential water resources of the basin.
- Assessment of future water demands (municipal, agricultural, industrial and hydro electric).
- Guideline for integrated water resources management to meet future needs and introducing projects for construction.
Status of project:completed in 2014
Location:East Afghanistan .
Services: Master plan studies
Foreign cooperator: DHI - Denmark
Stage of studies:
- Evaluating the potentials of water resources in the basin
- Assessment of future water demands (municipal,agricultural,industrial and hydro-electrical)
- Compiling integrated water resources management approaches to meet future demands by defining new executional projects
Technologies used:
- Capturing precipitation data from satellite images
- Providing land use maps from satellite images
- Integrated water resources modeling using simulation software in GIS.
- Wide range utilization of database systems and GIS.
Basin area:53000 kmē
Start year: 2002
Ending year:
Copyright 2006-2009 Toossab International Consulting Engineers (TAICE)