
Integrated water resources management of Kabul river basin:

Stage of studies: Reconnaissance. Client: - Iran, Regional center of municipal water management - Tehran. - Afghanistan, Ministry of irrigation, water resources & environment. Project Duration: 2 years. Objectives: - Assessment of potential water resources of the basin. - Assessment of future water demands (municipal, agricultural, industrial and hydro electric). - Guideline for integrated water resources management to meet future needs and introducing projects for construction. Foreign co-operator: DHI Company (Danish Hydraulic Institute). Location: East of Afghanistan. Catchments area: 53000 km2. Innovated technologies used: - Extraction precipitation from satellite images. - Provide land use maps from satellite images. - Integrated water resources modeling using simulation softwares in GIS. - Wide range utilization of databases and GIS. Catchment areas: 53000 Km2. Water resources: Surface & ground water. Water supply priority: 1- Sanitary. 2- Agriculture. Start year: 2002 Destination year: 2031















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